Great Paris !


Vous avez un projet à démarrer mais ne savez par où commencer ?
Vous êtes à la recherche d'un savoir-faire opérationnel, une expertise pointue ?
Vous souhaitez valoriser vos compétences, quelque soit votre domaine métier ?
Nous sommes à votre disposition.

Nous pouvons vous rencontrer (sur rendez-vous) à Paris.


Our support IT 24H/Day

C.I.N Support

We offer support services for SMEs, SOHO and individuals. These services are designed for the needs of demanding professionals.

How it works ? You out ?

It's easy like an e-mail !

You expose your problem to a technician.
He clarifies the situation and presents the solution or different scenarios of solution.
He tells you whether an intervention is needed and its price.
A technician comes to your place at a time that suits you.
It solves your problem while explaining what he does.

We are able to :
- recommend package prices (prices fixed in advance)
- provide a free estimate by phone before any action
- establish with you the time of the intervention / Make a diagnosis and solve your problem
- ensure personal monitoring.

For what type of interventions ?

We offer many benefits over PCs, servers and networks (not all contractual and non-exhaustive):

Emergency service, delivery and starting

*Diagnosis and solution to problems on PC (Windows or Linux), Mac, network equipment
*Installation of systems, software, peripherals, networks
*Installation of wireless networks (WiFi)
*Configuring Internet access and messaging
*Security (antivirus, data protection and network access)
*Improving Performance
*Setup and synchronize your personal digital assistant (Palm ™ or Pocket PC)
*Scan your own audio CDs, photos, videos.


*Solving your problems to access to the Internet by letting us dealing with your ISP
*Repair's supervision of your's computer manufacturer in case of hardware failure (computer warranty or out of warranty)
*Technical phone support


*Designing IT infrastructure architectures
*Consulting in the choice and use of hardware and software
*IT project management

Preventive Maintenance

*Optimizing Performance
*Monitoring and updating of operating systems
*Backup and restore data


*Office tools : Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint ...
*Navigation and search information on Internet
*Communication tools : email, instant messaging, Internet by phone
*Operating system : understanding the functioning of the system and understand the basis of security of your computer
*Specific training IT solutions selected by us.


Contact us for a free estimate and an appointment.

  • Consulting Information Netwww @ 2018
  •   Projects leading

    • Up start
    • Plans, budgets, reporting
    • Business processing
    • Cultural innovation
    • Information technology
    • Support operations
    • Ressources management
    • Logistics, delivery on time
    • Equitable trade,
    • Green issues
    • ...

      read more


    We advise organizations from all industries

    and business stages. We provide services

    to technology and non-tech. clients alike,

    incorporating management consulting or

    business school principles with pragmatic,

    real world experience.

    • Strategy consulting
    • Business model processing
    • Web sites and applications

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    Our Consulting Services